A huge thanks to Elliott Rubinson for believing in this project, and to Johnnie for believing in us. I had always wanted to do something to help preserve Tommy's legacy, but was never sure what. I avoided covering his music because it just didn't feel right to go there, despite the huge temptation. Coming up with the guitar idea was cool, but I am lucky things developed over the years so as to put me in the postion of being able to bring Dean Guitars and Johnnie together. Let's hope the numbers add up to another series and another Tommy model....and another reason to do Frankfurt and NAMM!
Thanks to so many others who helped in the background and at the show: Andrea Troiano, Chris Mackie, Craig Erickson, David Graw, David Hare, Derek Jubach, Evil D, Greg Hampton, Henry Howard, Joe Reagoso, John Bentzinger, John Herdt, John Puhl, Josh Maloney, Pat Baker, Rick Starczewski, Sean Vennett, Steve Czaplicki, Tamy Morgan (sign that guestbook!), Trace Keane, and many others I'm forgetting.
Great to meet Jeff Ocheltree!!!...who not only knew and was with Tommy and his family at some critical times, but has a reliable memory and was able to pin down a lot of facts that have been the subject of much speculation for over 30 years. (and he did gong work for my other big hero, James Coburn!).
Some favorite faces from NAMM 2008: