The Da Vinci Paint full-page ad in the new Jerry's Artarama 2008 catalog. Nobody manufactures artist colors of this quality at such a fair price, and more people are figuring this out everyday. Perfect time to buy these fantastic fluid acrylics - make a New Year's resolution to catch the wave of the future in watermedia.....and tell 'em Nick sent ya!
Way to go, Nick! I saw the ad in my new catalog and had to smile. Looks like a good thing for sure.
great ad old chap! is that canvas or paper (or other) you are working on in the ad?
Stop tempting me, Nick! Do the watercolors measure up, too?
Seriously, this ad looks great - that color really captures you and draws you in and want to hear that paint dripping off the paper. We artists are a visual,aural and tactile lot, that's for sure. Wishing you great success in 2008!
Great add Nicholas. It compliments and product and the model. Good to know there is still some quality paint out there that doesn't require a student loan.
Sandy - I haven't gotten the catalog yet, someone sent this to me. There will be some other ads coming up in the magazines..thanks for dropping by. Remember - no champagne in the hot tub!
Joel - just paper, I've never used canvas.....yet. I like the gessoboard and clayboard, but it doesn't bend!
Rhonda - I started using Da Vinci watercolors before they made the fluid acrylic, and before they sponsored me...so I was already a true believer. They're great, and the best deal there is for artist colors.
Hef - you're a Da Vinci guy, aren't you?
No way, there's going to be a picture of you in my next Jerry's catalogue?! Cool!
Happy 2008!
Well Silvina, I imagine a picture of you would be preferable for most, myself included, but my agent made a deal with your agent. (Note: this is my stunt double)
My stunt double wears a clown nose. That's probably why my agent accepted your agent's deal.
It's good to see you in action in the ad!! It looks great!
The advertisement looks great Nick!
I have been Googling art suppliers here in Oz re DaVinci fluid acrylics...I don't think they are here yet.
Nick: I am really enjoying your blog!!
I thought this might be a good time and place to tell everyone about your Dallas workshop coming up June 9-13 at Artists' Showplace Gallery (http://www.artistsshowplace.com). Having seen our gallery and classrooms and met a lot of great people there last year, I think you will be the first tell everyone to come join us. It will be a great time to try out the DaVinci paints, too.
Silvina - we settled that nose business over in 280. And all of the big deals happen in back rooms or the casting couch, take your pick...heck, I don't even have a SAG card!
Joan - glad you approve, I think there might be some more extreme action shots in the future. This ain't gonna be your father's watercolor!
Sandy - I think Dake is on the lookout also, I'll try to find out if there is distributorship there. Or I could load up a suitcase and head down...
Doris - I'm really looking forward to returning to Dallas, I had a blast there in Sept. - of course I wasn't working, just goofing off! Artists' Showplace is such a great facility, and all of you extended a Texas-sized welcome. Thank you for the page on your site - I have a workshop page on my site with the contact info, and there are also comments from recent workshop participants...I'll do my best to live up to the billing.
I'll make a Dallas/Artist's Showplace post on the blog pretty soon, spread the word!
Hi Nick,
you are inspiring! Love the ad and your story on your dear freind Val.
I guess I am off to buy some fluid acrylics.
When is that dvd coming out????
Nick, i haven't been on WC much lately so i was shocked when browsing thru my Jerry's catalog to see you! i went straight to Palette Talk to get the 'skinny'. Congratulations!
Billie aka Fozbot
Dawn - you won't regret it, and you might even turn into a convert...I see it all the time. Please write CCP about info on the release date!
Billie - good to see you, thanks for writing. I don't know what's on the forum, I have little time to check it out these days. I'm also not sure what's allowed there anymore. As long as you have the catalog, take advantage of the offer and give the fluid acrylic a try - you'll be stunned at how it works and looks precisely as watercolor, but doesn't move once it's down. And those bottles are so convenient to work with. And did I mention price????!
Don't be misled by close-minded curmudgeons - it's wholly endorsed by, and considered "watercolor," by the major societies. By the way, there is an ongoing discussion about this you might want to check out on the American Artist forum:
Pay special attention to the post by Bruce MacEvoy who gets to the root of the issue and explains what makes "watercolor." While you're at it,check out my post too. :)
Take that historic step, and let me know how you like them!
i think next time you should be holding that paper up behind your back = kinda like jimi hendrix style ... and i say this cause i know you would/could do it!
it would be a cool photo anyway.
feb will be fun.
Nicholas! This is fabulous for you. Looking forward to seeing you at your July workshop in Maine, a perfect time to escape to a cooler climate. I invite everyone to check it out at
Not-so-anonymous-Chris - 'scuse me while I paint the sky! I'll be in Tampa tomorrow for the week, will call.
Gail - I sure am looking forward to doing a workshop there - Maine is just about the ultimate place for painters to live, work, and....breathe!! Thanks for dropping by, I'll make a post about Acadia Workshop Center soon.
Hey you look cool man!! nice blends you got rolling on those sheets. I'll give a shot at those pigments when i'm out looking for new paints.
oh and wish you a happy new year 2008. Looking forward to see more of your work this year. Saw the sushi painting in the best of 2007(American Artist mag). goody goody!!
warm regards
Nick, Thanks for the comment you left on my blog the other day. I hope to one day work on full sheets, but for now I'm happy with mostly 11 x 14s. The ATCs have been a fun challenge. If they were hard for me to work on, I couldn't imagine you ever working that small. It's fun to see your work and your face popping up in magazines and catalogs. Wishing you a super 2008!
Congratulations on your new partnership with DaVinci. I've signed up for the Dallas workshop and I want to supplement some fluid acrylics that I own. Can you please give us a post on what you would consider having for a palette or what you would include on your workshop supply list?
Thanks and you've got a great blog going. See you in TX.
(Kelly from CCP here) I just came across your blog randomly. Congrats with the ad! It looks great! Can I snag the image for our blogs and newsletters?
Kake - good to see you, it's been a while.....need to check out your site and see what's new.
Joan - one of the problems with traditional w/c thinking is the idea that 22x30 is big. It's not. Lots of painters build up mental and creative barriers, not to mention fear, weighed down by that mindset. I'm glad I started out painting on 30x40 w/c board, I think there were many advantages to that. I have done my share in small format, too,but appreciate the broader subject matter and compositional possiblities working large.
Nancy - hi, and one of these days I'll get that food painting underway! My favorite thing in the world right now is an Italian flat bread with olive oil and herbs, served with roasted garlic and cambozola cheese...with some sparkling water or champagne - all I could ever need or want. But can I paint it??! It will be nice to meet you in Dallas, and yes I will make a post as you suggest. Not talkin' trash!
Kelly - what a surprise! Sure, I believe that would be fine. I'm getting lots of inquiries about the DVD, hope we're close! Say Hi to everyone!
Thanks, Nick. I'll be looking forward to the "Palette Post" of Da Vinci colors you consider essential.
I will have to check out cambozola cheese at the Whole Foods Market. I'm not familar with it. In Texas, cheddar is sometimes referred to as "rat trap cheese"..appetizing, huh? Have you considered putting an email sign-up from FeedBlitz so we could subscribe to your blog? I bet you'd have lots of subscribers. Looking forward to the list of liquid acrylic colors by DV.
Nancy - I'm thinking the cambozola might be a little too strong...maybe just the brie, or just a touch of cambozola. I'll check out the blog subscrber, and more on Da Vinci soon.
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