Summer Sonata was awarded the Margaret Jones Memorial Silver Medal.

Here is a new t-shirt I designed using Tommy's image from the sleeve of the Private Eyes album. The Japanese characters are also from that album; the three words - forest, wealth, grave - phonetically approximate "Tommy Bolin." The back of the shirt features the Bolin/Dean Guitars "Two Legends Unite" logo I designed for the NAMM show. There is also a girl's tank top. The shirts are available at TommyBolin.biz, a Bolin-owned and operated entity. Order today and wear the all-time coolest rock legend proudly!
Alex posted a series of plein air pieces on Hispacuarela over a year ago, and I instantly fell in love with this landscape, La Escondida. Wouldn't you know it, he sent it to me (with another painting!) and I've finally gotten around to framing it. I don't usually get too excited over plein air work, but this is a notable exception, an absolute gem. The image is 13 x 20 cm.
A Moore classic, full of quirk and smirk. Now a prized possession, and it got the same treatment: 8-ply museum mat, Nielsen molding. The image is 16 x 18 cm.
Both of these gentlemen are great artists and fascinating people. I've had the chance to hang out with Bill a couple of times, and hope to meet Alex one of these days. A huge thanks to both for your generosity and friendship!