Two of the coolest people I've met on the internet are Alex Sahores (Buenos Aires) and William K. Moore (Los Angeles).
Alex is an architect who also devotes plenty of time to watercolor, and is one of the leaders of the Hispacuarela site, a very nice forum with a lot of talented artists. He paints in his own style that often depicts landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes of Argentina and South America. I particularly like his tendency to highlight the abstract component in many of these compositions.

Bill Moore's raw and candid scenes of the myriad characters inhabiting the barrio, combined with a dazzling shorthand prose style makes his Bogota Painter one of the blogs for art-loving hipsters. Yes, this is the guy you've been hearing about! Ranging from the bizarre to the sublime, his subject matter is getting wilder and more diverse all the time. Some of my favorites have been his unique self portraits. Chink Chank Chunk arrrived in the mail not long after visiting Bill in LA last fall.
A Moore classic, full of quirk and smirk. Now a prized possession, and it got the same treatment: 8-ply museum mat, Nielsen molding. The image is 16 x 18 cm.
Both of these gentlemen are great artists and fascinating people. I've had the chance to hang out with Bill a couple of times, and hope to meet Alex one of these days. A huge thanks to both for your generosity and friendship!
Hey I look like an aged Opie! Nicholas you have made my day by honoring me with a post. Much appreciated and I promise Chicago (new home) will provide the right amount of edge (perhaps more) to keep the paintings of interest. Time to live up to your words..... new painting(s) on the way.
Your friend Alex kicks landscape butt. I've seen his work before and really dig his bulls-eye to the "art heart" - through the abstract door. So many fantastic latin artists out there that never get any notice here in the States. Thanks for providing them with some air time. I'm enjoying your blog Nicholas and happy as hell you've got it running at full steam.
Wow, being here makes me so proud, what to say about getting framed at your home!!! You've made me feel so many nice things with this, it was just a quick croquis, few minutes, good minutes as watercolour gave us from time to time, stoping at the righ moment... but that suddenly flow by internet and makes you love it an d have it... amazing for just an amateur as I am..
Thanks friend
Yor friend Bill is a super artist, sharing your blog with him is amazing,
Nick is a great friend of many latin artists, we invite Bill to join us, art breakes languaje barriers. Thanks Nick for giving us his air time, we need it
Opie - trying to figure out where to hang you around here - it's a little too small to go over the mantle, but the bathroom doesn't seem quite appropriate, heh. The big town, a real town, a place to get real, looking forward to seeing how that affects the rok. Got you to thank for the fantastic pic and for getting me blogged-up. More coals on the fire, salut!
Alex - that was some magical few minutes! If I ever paint a plein air half that good I'll retire. I'll let you know if I find a place to hang the other picture! ;) Bill has posted a couple of times on Hispacuarela I believe...much easier for him as he speaks fluent Spanish. You know's a few words and "te ves muy linda"!
i don't know Bill Moore but i can tell i love his sense of humor by his posts. I remember the green painting from WC. good going, Alex! and good for you to honor these fellow artists, Nick.
Nice going Nick, great paintings both Bill and Alex. And kudos for making the "radar".
oh and thanks for adding me to your blog roll.
i just noticed you added me to your blog roll, too. thank you!
Nicholas, what a cool post this is. It's of special interest to me because I know Bill, and the other artist, Alex, is from Bs. As. where I was born. Great stuff.
Billie,Dawn, Silvina - I'm buying the first round!
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