Even though I don't have to buy paint anymore, I still hate to waste a single drop. I've been cutting tubes and bottles open for years, and when
Da Vinci Paint learned that...well, see for yourself. Best artist quality colors, and they blow everyone away on price!
I have a
3-day workshop starting tomorrow at the gorgeous new
VisArts center in Rockville, and Da Vinci is once again giving free samples of their fabulous fluid acrylic to everyone. Thanks Marcello!
LOL and meaning it! Great photo, Nick. Your workshop students are in for a treat...
Hey Nick,
Glad to see you can at least update your blog with your latest computer problems. I was wondering about the Davinci liquid acrylic line do they have a strong odor to them (I work in a small apartment, last time I tried acrylics the odor was just too overwhelming for the wife, she has severe asthma which is the reason I went to watercolors in the first place.)
But, I am really liking the idea of once its dry its set, and if no odors I then get the best of both worlds glowing watercolors and its permanent.
(Sorry about the fiasco over at Wetcanvas I hope it does not deter you from sharing your knowledge or offrail you from creating your art.)
Thanks again Nick for being a guide and pointing out the great stuff for other artist.
OMG...you look like a mad scientist! Will this image be in the magazines and catalogs? I sure hope so.:D
What’s that expression..? ‘there’s a fine line’.
(in Aussie drawl) - I'll pay that NNG. onya.. see ya!
ps.. no chance shipping some this way?.. No didn't think so.
What about the dregs? :)
i'll settle for sediment even..
Great picture.
I do the same thing. I hate to think that a drop of paint would be wasted... and it doesn't even have to be a down economy. Just seems like the right thing to do.
Love it! LOL! Lucky students and free samples at that. I'm the same way with paint, don't want to waste a
drop that is still in the tube.
Hi Nick, is that expression before or after painting? I agree, no one wasted drop...
have a good workshop
Uh, ya missed a spot there on your forehead. Have a great workshop.
Too, Too Funny !
I sincerely hope this is made into a poster so we all can have one. "Bill Nye the Science Guy" of the art world. Children..Don't do this at home without supervision !!
No wonder artists get a bad rap from the rest of the world. We get to have all the fun !! :))
Reminds me of my first real art teacher in elementry school ( Mrs. Poole ) and her "scrap box". Nothing wasted.
you'd fit in w/my crew on paint in love the image play Nick. With ya on saving the paints. Thanks for turning me on to them!
We expect a good time at the workshop!
Many greetings!
Fantastic photo!! I do the same, I get every little last dab out of every tube or bottle before I'm done with them!
Have a great workshop - personally, I can't wait for CWA next year!
LOL you do know how to have fun with those bottles, don't you?
Good luck with the workshop, someday you'll have to do some in the old continent too, right? *crossing fingers*
Does this look familiar! What a riot!
Go get 'em "Rainforest Chief Nicholas!" And I know you'll be wearing your feathers for the occasion - red and blue. May you soar high over your student's receptive minds and feed them the knowledge they so dearly seek. Chief Nicholas may the Jaguar totem spirit guide your words and mighty deeds!
Ah you have been peeking in my studio Nick. hahaha
Rhonda - maybe I should post some of the other shots that we thought looked TOO crazy!
Paul - no discernibly unpleasant smell to the fluid acrylics - I just went over and huffed a few colors and....nothing.And I'm very sensitive to toxic odors, can't stand them. RE WetCanvas, heheh..there is nothing that could possibly happen there to have any effect on what I do or dont' do, and the place needs me way more than I need it. Unfortunately that forum has been terribly mismanaged for a few years, and most of the cool people have long gone. And that's precisely what the moderators wanted.
Billie - I think I will post a few of the other mad scientist shots, good for a laugh
PG - I'm still not sure of the availability of DVP down there, you might write DaVinci and inquire.
Robin - a few drops of that paint - with the incredible pigment load - could mean a painting or two. Can't bear to throw it away!
Susan - hate cutting open tubes, but I do it
Fernando - heheheheh
Sandy - remember, sometimes it's what you don't paint!
Janet - nice to see you last night at the dinner, hope the presentation was entertaining.
Mary - Marcello will be pleased :)
Juan - I'm wondering if you teach workshops...if so, where do I sign up?!
Mary Lou - I'm looking forward to that one too! Oct. 18-21, 2010
Teresa - if you make some inquiries or suggestions about a workshop in Spain, tell them I'm ready to come over, I'd love it...and I have a lot of friends there now. Fistro.
Deb - maybe we should all send in our waste-saving pics...if we just do it with green paint, think it would be too obviously political?
Bill - ha! look what I just wrote above. You not speak with forked tongue.
JJ - it was you who made me think to do it with paint...up to then, I was just doing it with whiskey bottles!
Love the picture! And I'd love to see some of the "other shots". I have this big old container with every empty tube of paint - I just can't throw them out. I haven't got to the stage of cutting them open yet but ........ Keep up the fantastic work, Nick! You're a great inspiration.
Deb - you haven't cut open a tube yet??? Oh, you're missing one of the great joys of watercolor, let us know when you become officially initiated!
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