The February 2010 issue of Watercolor Artist is out with the Best Watermedia Paintings of 2009. It was nice to see my entry from the 30th Pennsylvania Watercolor Society exhibition, Bay St. Girl, among them, especially as Tokyo Express missed the publishing deadline for this issue last year. Had to win it again! :) I'll be the juror of selection for the PWS show next year.
Also in this issue is a great article/interview with Janine Gallizia, by editor Kelly Kane. Some fantastic pics of Janine's work, don't miss it!
Hey Nick, congratulations again,
Nicholas - I remember the painting based on Caribbean excursions - floating around and grooving on boat life. Seems you are queued up for a splendid '10.. built on the hard work in '09. Taking us out on a good note.... C major 440.
It's always a pleasure to see good art; it's an even bigger pleasure to see good people who make good art succeed and get such recognition. Congratulations, Nick! And happy holidays to you and your girls :)
Wonderful, Nick! I have my latest copy but haven't taken the time to look through it yet. I will today. Congrats once again.:)
Hi Nick
Congratulations!!! A great news!
Fernando - gracias amigo
Bill - aha, actually 440 cycles is an A, a tuning standard...nice to hear some orchestra pit talk in here! I'm digesting Thimbles, will be right over...
Rhonda - good people? There's a little internet hobbit troll out there who won't like that - Nicholas Simmons is evil, haven't you heard?! lol
Billie - good issue, a very interesting article with Janine Gallizia
Sandeep - thanks for posting, tovarish
Yeah, that's a great story that makes me chuckle.
Ah! I'll just have to win it again..heheh!
Well done this year mate, it's been up and down huh? But painting wise you've built a strong position for the next year. I'm bracing myself for what's ahead!
Happy Xmas!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment..was quite honored...went straight to my copy of Watercolor (again) to see your painting. Congratulations, your work is fantastic! You must be snowed in....Take care
Dake - you have to use a story like that when you can! Next year is going to be good, I have good feelings about 2011 too, and then...run for president!
Annelein - it's nice to meet you and see your great paintings. Yes, snowed in for two days, still waiting on the St. Bernard.
That amazing, Nick! The honor is well-deserved. Your art is remarkable. I love the "win it again" story, too. Merry Christmas to your family. I can't wait to watch what 2010 brings!!
Congratulations, I am getting a copy of the mag!I have asked my son to pick it up when he comes here for xmas.
Cheryl - thank you, I'm sure that at the rate you're going, you'll have a whole issue *devoted* to you!
Muru - you have a son in the States? You guys are all over the place, I remember meeting you when you were in Russia (Kiev?) and now in India
Nick, I've enjoyed following your magnificent art throughout the year. Thanks for all. My best wishes to you and yours, and many succesful on 2010.
Un abrazo
Carmen - thank you for the greeting! I will be in Spain next year for sure, I hope to meet you then. Abrazos!
hi Nick, good to discover your blog and to find not only wonderful art but also wonderful guitar music!
Nick I wish you a good year 2010 succesfull And congratulations for Shanghai
Rahina, Lori, and Pierre, thanks for stopping by and best wishes to each of you for a happy and prosperous 2010!
Congratulations Nick! You're not only a talented artist but a very good friend as well. Thank you for your email. I wish you and your family all the best for this New Year 2010.
Anna - gracias, and I hope to meet you soon, maybe in September I hope! abrazos
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