Friday, January 1, 2010

Sorolla and Sargent Websites

Beached Boats - Joaquín Sorolla

Iain Vellacott is a very talented British painter living in France. He has started a beautiful website devoted to Joaquín Sorolla, an artist whose list of present-day admirers keeps growing. Sorolla Paintings is well worth bookmarking, and check out Iain's killer work on his blog, Painting Inoils.

I have referenced the John Singer Sargent Virtual Gallery many times, a wonderful resource put together by Natasha Wallace. Warning: it's very easy to spend a lot of time there!

Thanks to the creators of these sites, both my favorite painters!


RH Carpenter said...

Nothing wrong with spending hours looking at the works of both of these outstanding artists, Nick. Hope your holidays were merry and bright and that the new year brings you all you need.

Angela said...

Thanks Nick - I'm always looking for great art sites!

Mike said...

Thanks, Nick, for bringing this to our attention. I would have completely missed both of these had you not given the heads up.

Carmen said...

Hi Nick, thanks for these wonderful sites. I hope to meet you in Madrid this year, visiting the house-museum Sorolla. Do you like the idea?
Un abrazo

Patty Henderson said...

Beautiful sites Nick, thanks for sharing! You are right, you can spend a lot of time looking at this wonderful art!

Nick said...

Rhonda - if you like one, you'll probably like the other. Sorry to miss the big Sorolla show in Madrid this past year, that would have been a thrill.

Angela - trouble is, there are too many of them and not enough time!

Mike - what a surprise, thanks for posting. Your's is another site I recommend to a lot of people, a goldmine of art and information.

Carmen - a perfect place to meet! Fistro

Patti - or savor the puppy dogs and old cars on WC, heheh.

William K. Moore said...

Always a treat to see how the old timers put paint on the canvas. This painting in particular is a study of just about all the elements of painting... and yet rises far above the mechanical mastery.

Susan Liles said...

Thanks for the links. Also love these artists and was lucky to see the works of Sargent at the National Museum of Art in D.C. back in 1999. What a treat it was!

Nick said...

Bill - I've seen just about every Sargent, but there are still Sorollas that are new to me...unexpected pleasures

Susan - one of my favorite parts of that show was seeing Fumee d' Ambre Gris at the entrance, I had never seen that in person before.

lupus said...

Nicholas, two monsters of the painting and light, really, and contemporary. You know that they were exhibited here, in Spain one year ago, mor or less, at the same time?

A big hug, my friend.

Have you read my reciently e-mail?


Nancy Lee Galloway said...

Wow! This posting had a wealth of wonderful information and links. I've bookmarked them all. It'll need some serious study time - I love having wonderful stuff to look forward to! Thanks for these sites, Nick!

Nick said...

Enrique - I'd be afraid to see both at the same time, might cancel each other out! jejeje

Nancy - sorry I missed your response...I bookmark all interesting links with the idea of going back to read everything, and end up with a list so long I usually delete it all and start over. Probably a sign of mental illness!