$450.00 including shipping in the U.S. (inquire for overseas shipping).
$450.00 including shipping in the U.S. (inquire for overseas shipping).
Join leading watermedia master artists/teachers - Philip Burke, Margaret Martin, Margaret Roseman, John Salminen, Nicholas Simmons, Mel Stabin, Mary Whyte - for an engaging, hands-on weekend of workshops, demos, and roundtable discussions at the acclaimed Burchfield Penney Art Center, Buffalo, NY. Learn from the masters, network with fellow artists, get to know the editor of American Artist's Watercolor Magazine, and enjoy the art and architecture of the renowned Burchfield Penney Art Center, home to the world's largest collection of Charles E. Burchfield works and archival materials
Cost: $325* early bird registration by March 2011; $350* which includes five two-hour sessions with leading watermedia masters, evening receptions, tours of the Burchfield Penney, weekend lunches. Special hotel rates are available at the nearby Holiday Inn ($98) and Hyatt Regency ($124). Parking at the Burchfield Penney is free. *Burchfield Penney and Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society Members will receive an additional $25 discount Call Katie Kelly at 716-878-3216 or email kellymc@buffalostate.edu for info. Space is limited. Early registration encouraged.