Xin Jin #3 was done using Da Vinci Artist watercolor on Fabriano Artistico 140 lb. hot press paper. The image measures 33" x 43" and framed is 40" x 50". Another in a series of Asian imagery inspired by last year's visit to Shanghai. This work gives the paint a lot of freedom, accentuating the power and spectacular effects unique to the medium.

Its a great piece Nick, the close ups reveal the intricate details not immediately apparant from the large image. Its what i love about your work, that and the design work involved, appeals to the graphic artist in me! Truly superb!
You know I love those drizzles, swoops and marks of the artist showing! Thanks for sharing bigger views so we can really see that. Another big one that will kick some people back on their heels. And that pretty girl is beginning to look more like you (don't tell Olga!!). Hope you all are battened down for the big storm - or have headed for the hills.
I love seeing the more detailed photos, Nick. This painting has so much life and movement! Gorgeous!Inspiring!
Wow. Just, wow. I think that sums it up. This is really amazing, so powerful, I'm in love with it. :)
Nick !!
I like it very much,working with " libertad ",freedom ,the colour falling down are balances and Converts the water in poetry !!!grettings amigo Nick!!!
siempre es un placer ver tus trabajos...
Evocative and beautiful!!!
so you came in France twice and didn't know it...sure you enjoyed your time in my country!
glad to see your beautiful works through your blog and so nice to see Larissa!how tall she is now!!
bisous to the whole family!
agnès 'clem'
Amanda - as always, I appreciate the enthusiasm. I take pics to make the size of the paintings apparent, otherwise it's impossible to really get a feel for the work. The close-ups are important, too. I get the feeling most people these days usually only see art on the internet, rather than in person, and it can take more than one pic to get the idea across. I'm very happy we'll be exhibiting together in Belgium next year! :)
Rhonda - it's raining right now, but nothing to evacuate over. I'm still amazed we had an earthquake! Trying to pioneer something in contemporary watercolor, not sure what it is...maybe an attitude more than any special technique or approach. This one is getting there, I hope.
Christiane - they say the devil is in the details, and I'm no angel! :D
Crystal - a flattering endorsement, thank you for posting!
Agus - great to see you here, amigo. Your description agrees with the intent, and the word "poetry" is always welcome. muchas gracias
Sandy - I sure appreciate that, and btw still tell everybody in my workshops to check you out. Look forward to seeing you again next year!
Clem - bonjour! I was only there for the Maison Blanche workshop and Paris. I was not able to attend the exhibition in St. Cyr. :( But I'll be back next year at MB and Paris (planning to bring Olga and Larissa) so I insist we finally connect. I hope you're well, I miss our "old days"!
Thank you for posting the close up photos, Nick! This piece is so taijitu - balancing power and grace. A lovely piece that speaks volumes.
I love your portrait! The colour and the nice way to simplify!
Lorraine and aariho - I appreciate the "approved" rating, lets see what kind of life this one lives... thanks for stopping by!
brilliant news with "escoda" nick congratulations.. will look at your brushes .. this is very dynamic .. i love seeing the close ups each section is beautiful in itself thankyou for posting them ... your daughter looks same age as my youngest daughter .
Nick, after reading Rhonda’s blog post from last year about your workshop she attended, I broke my promise to myself and purchased the on line version of your DVD! Nick, it blew me away and has energised me more than anything has in ages! I feel as if I have come to a dead end with my own watercolour wash work recently, and my journey with acrylics and glazing also seems to be heading nowhere fast…. then your wonderful teaching came my way. I may be bugging you with lots of questions in the near future (lol) if you have the time to help me on my journey.
I stayed up till 2am watching the DVD, and all day have been thinking about how to use some of your teachings in my own work. I’ve been teaching pouring watercolour recently to my class, but not with extensive masking or working out the composition first (both of which make me groan)…but have hit a brick wall.
Jane - no signature brushes yet, have to go to Barcelona first and meet the Escodas and tour the factory. There is a vid on youtube that might interest you: http://www.youtube.com/user/Escoda1933#p/a/u/2/HXVVoRH7smM
Thanks for the comments re the painting... a bit too intense for the mainstream w/c crowd evidently, and that tells me to keep going in this direction. Larissa will be 7 a week from tomorrow. I'm in Texas now doing a workshop, sure miss her, can't wait to get home. You know the feeling!
Maggie - I'm not sure what you promise to yourself, but I appreciate you violating the oath! That DVD documents a lot of techniques I have used, and was the first thing to get down. We're doing another soon that will be more radical in approach, I'm looking forward to doing that one even more. I'm very happy if there is anything there that you can apply to your own work or teaching. Thanks so much for the generous post, not so many go to the extra trouble. :) And no more promises!!! lol
sounds like you had a great trip to Barcelona Nick ..so glad you met up with Anna... thanks for the link Nick must be so interesting to see the brushes being made ... have since treated myself to a couple of brushes :D love them... gloria is 7 too .
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