The new issue of
American Art Collector magazine has an ad for my painting
Sueno del Verde. Giclée prints of this painting are now available. We're scrambling to get my new website up before the November issue hits the stands - the purchase page will have complete information about available originals and prints. Should be only a few more days. In the meantime contact me for details.
Hi Nick,
The new ad for Sueno del Verde should place your art and name where it should be seen: in front of collectors!
Very hard to paint a green-dominant work yet yours works brilliantly. The motifs of the leaves reminds me, via their irregular regularity of, on the one hand, the uniqueness of each leaf, and on the other their common unity and identity: they exist only in and through each other: the tree, the tree of life. You are lucky to have woods like that 'at your door' so to speak! Must be very inspiring, and you can feel that in the work. I really also like the outstretched format of the rectangle: gives a sense of the big picture -- 'ecology' perhaps?
Looking forward to seeing your new website when it's ready.
Your titles (in non-Engliano) remind yet again of your versatility of expression, shared, I might add, by a growing number of artists I am meeting via these blogs, such as William K Moore (polymath extraordinaire), dB (music/art), PG (Perugina) et al. Too good, all of you! I think I'll go grab another coffee...
cheers & best wishes ~W
My initial word was ummmm… “Nice!”
Love the ad, I'm thinking you had a hand in its design.
Great to see the photo of the man behind the works, personalises and connects with the would be investor/collector and the world!
I believe we get this publication here and I will look out to get a copy, if only for when you get out here, whenever it is you decide to hitch that infamous ride on the ‘you know what I’m talking about’ to sign it!
I've already had too many macchiatos today, so I will have a celebratory toast for you "Tanti Auguri & Wishing you every success nicholas simmons"
(((HUGS))) NNG from PG!
Nick , More Wonderful News !!!!!!! And I thought you had slowed down a Bit !LOLl!
NO chance of THAT!!
Glad to hear your voice today . very comforting indeed during this Difficult time for us .So many thanks for your kindness . Always grateful to you .
You are Special !! June
Now that's an advert! Very well designed with a dose of intrigue that captures and draws the viewer in like an event horizon. I believe you selected the perfect painting subject/dimension wise to fit the page(s) most suitably. The lines through your photo offers up an effect which invites the reader to share time with the painter and come away with a most favorable impression. Nicely done Nicholas!
Despite Stormy Weather the
SS Simmons Maintains Heading.
Looks very sophisticated which is in keeping with all of your work, target market and the publication.
Your website looks in keeping with the theme as well.
Good work Nick!
Wayne - I have a theory that every painting has its perfect size and shape. I think the shape is right for this one, hope the size meets the test. Nothing worse than getting half way through and discovering I've miscalculated. Thanks once again for your most interesting and enthusiastic response!
PG - I had lots of advice about having a graphics pro do my ads. I don't have any trouble in the design, it's just certain technical specs I had to get up to speed on. It's scary to do a CMYK file, submit it for your ad, and then look at it later on your computer - outside of Photoshop.....yikes!!!!!!
June! It's great to see you here, and I'm thinking about you and Louie constantly. I hope everyone will go over and check out your blog, and please come back to visit soon!
Bill - a positive report from a man who can turn a cold clinical eye on design. The next one is a full page, might send it to you first for the OK. Website up, but not finished yet. I like having the ads and website look the same. I have different templates so I can swap it out for different paintings. Wayne has labelled you a "polymath." Wayne's always right.
DakO- a couple men overboard and a bent rudder, but we're sailing on. You'll be the first to know when I spot the Perth harbor...Land Ho!
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