The Tommy Bolin "Teaser" commemorative guitar I designed for
Dean Guitars is almost ready to ship. Since NAMM in January, the bodies have been cut and painted, and highly-figured flame maple selected for the necks. The limited edition series is well on its way to being sold out, and there may be more Tommy axes in the future. Above is the Certificate of Authenticity included with each guitar, and will be signed by Tommy's brother, Johnnie Bolin.
The way you have been able to team up with the amazing 'Tommy B legacy' in creating the artwork/design for this limited edition tribute guitar is something else!! It's all the more remarkable since you yourself are such an accomplished and esteemed guitarist!! I guess it takes someone like you who knows the guitar inside out, and Tommy's music of course, to be able to create artwork that resonates with all of that!
Superb! Exceptional! Rare synergy of visual and musical art!
It's a distinct honor to play some part - no matter how small - in helping to extend Tommy's legacy. I just received a pic of a dozen of them hanging in the Dean custom shop being outfitted with the hardware before they go out into the world. Almost felt like a proud parent!
Nicholas I remember when you went on the road to do this gig. The hats you wear my friend ... truly amazing!
Having watched this baby from pre-conception to birth the whole process has been an incredible thing to watch unfold.
From your initial drive to "do something" to remember Tommy, the phone calls to Johny, negotiations, designs and so on.
What is outstanding is the undeniable positive energy that without doubt seduced any possible antagonists or pitfalls.
Great timing was important also.
It was just going to happen and that's that!
Great case study in entrepreneurship.
Bill - you're one to talk about hats!!! I've been meaning to compliment you on the new one...where can I pick up one of those babies???
Dake - yes, you'll remember the idea hit me while driving down to Florida in August of 2006. I'm indebtted to my dear friends Johnnie Bolin for approving of the idea, and Elliott Rubinson for believing in it and paying the bills. And to you for your encouragment and best wishes!
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