And it won't just be visual artists, but also a good helping of musicians, writers, self-styled renegade philosophers, borderline geniuses, and assorted miscreants. Many that I actually know can be seen on the "People" pages of my website, alongside respectable types who would never otherwise find themselves in such company.
Other topics will arise as the mood dictates: trials and tribulations of the music and art biz, good art vs. bad art, myth-busting, classic films, travel, cool products, the world of online art and music forums, charlatans and weirdos,the state of contemporary watercolor, guitardom, erotica, migraine, childhood, parenthood, etc.
If all else fails, I'll just post some photography.
If all else fails, I'll just post some photography.
Oooh! You sound like you intend to keep us on our toes! This should be very interesting and challenging.
Way to go Nick!!
Good addition to the blogosphere.
my first reaction isn't that nick's course is ambitious, which it is, but that it will be fun. now instead of opining in private emails to his friends, he can post it all here and let his fans sort it out.
i hope his discussion of erotica includes some visual examples.
nice photo, by the way, a classic simmons analysis of perceptual layering. hope it becomes a painting someday.
Nick, Here you go AGAIN! Not only are you one of the world's BEST workshop teachers, you've jscked up the blogospere a bunch. It'great. So glad you are here.
You rock, Nick!
Looking forward to seeing some of your paintings on this blog and readinga about the other interesting things you do.
Take care,
Mary Ann
Maybe the title of this pix is 'Escher on Photoshop!'
Sandy - I can say whatever I want here...who's gonna make me stand in the corner??! heheh..stay tuned...
Ron - what's a few more wasted kilobytes?
Bruce - glad you approve of the syllabus... it's actually structured on the Cliff Notes of emails I receive from a west coast wiseacre. Visual examples forthcoming (but nothing like a certain blog). Won't be painting that, can't be done...though Burge has bravely taken on the urban windowscape. However, got another sizable NYC/Chinese concoction in the works - a barnburner!
Sandy M - hey I didn't know your fast gun was ridin' thru town...don't shoot the piano player! Well, it's not why I started painting, but I enjoy them esp. with a group like your's. Scheduling more for the next few years, I think the one at your place helped spread the word. Thanks again! Ok, Escher on CS2 it is!
Mary Ann - "reading about the other interesting things you do" ....I'm more interested in figuring out how to charge 8.75/sq. inch! ;)
Looking forward to the education and am fully enrolled here... The "course description" sounds apetising... so who's on the menu first?
How about we start with "the living dead!" hehehe
...and "no-one puts baby in the corner!" Hi Sandy!(insert wave)
PG - the upcoming menu is appetizing, indeed. There will be some items offered as tempting, exotic delicacies, some as satisfying after-dinner pleasures, and others that that will be roasted to perfection as lessons long overdue for the Cordon Bleu dropouts. Make your reservations early to insure a good table. Bon appetit.
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