There will be a Tommy Bolin memorabilia display at the Dean Guitars NAMM booth, featuring some of Tommy's personal effects including clothing, rare photographs, and handwritten lyrics to some of his songs. Johnnie Bolin will be there signing autographs and giving away posters of the incredible (!) ad that will be seen in the guitar magazines as soon as it's ready to ship to dealers.
Many other notable musicians will be on hand, please stop by if you are fortunate enough to be attending NAMM.

Nick, Johnnie Bolin, Elliott Rubinson - CEO Dean Guitars
In addition, there is an avalanche of Tommy music being re-released right now, including a 3-disc redux of The Ultimate, complete with new liner notes by Steve Vai. Thanks to Joe Reagoso of Friday Music for putting this together, and also for re-releasing Come Taste The Band, the mindbending record Tommy recorded with Deep Purple (with new liner notes by Johnnie Bolin). In addition, SPV and Greg Hampton will be putting out Whips & Roses III, a tribute album to Tommy with a star-studded cast of contributing musicians.
31 years after his tragic death, Tommy continues to inspire old and new listeners alike, and further reinforces his reputation as the most innovative rock musician of his era.....and perhaps any era.
Long live Tommy!

book marked!!!
Joseph Chiang
I had never heard of Tommy Bolin until you "introduced" me. Thank you...
I will be following this event with interest.
Ok.. now I can get the almost real-time feed on you Nicholas. Will be cool to have you out this way again before I pull stakes. You have taken to Blogworld with style and grace.... good stuff!
Joseph - where have ya been, buddy? INS cooperating I trust, and hope you're painting in the Apple.
Sandy - a taste of my "other life"!
Bill - we've only just begun, tovarish.
If my next tax refund is similar to last year's, then I'm buying this guitar.
Tommy was, and always will be, the ULTIMATE...the quintessential musician's musician. For those of you who only just discovered him, you are definitely in for a treat!
In some ways I'm still discovering him. He was prolific and left us such a great catalog of brilliant music, and my collection isn't as complete as I'd prefer. I'll work on that project in the new year!
Thumbs up for this blog!
You know where I stand on the subject Andrea....and thanks for those totally rad pics! Gotta post one of those on my site if you don't mind. Talked wiht Johnnie tonight, the Hard Rock in Atlanta is loaning the famous burgundy velvet suit for the memorabilia exhibition at NAMM.....yeah!!!!!!!
You're not alone Sandy.
Thanks Nick, for the pics of Tommy, another beautiful "long haired man!"
Will have to now listen to some of his music...
I will stay tuned!
Tommy Bolin was a genius who died well before his time. Instead of mourning the loss I'd rather celebrate his life and music. Rock on Tommy!
The Chief
Do I see zebra?
I'm loving your blog.
PG - I recommend "Teaser" (the album cover is picture on this post) and "Private Eyes" to start with.
Chief - we've been celebrating for 31 yrs, haven't we?! And the party has just begun.
SandyZ! - it's been a while since a zebara sighting, good to hear from you...what's new in the world?
Interesting to know.
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