A big "shey-shey" to Zhou Tianya and Ruan Hoe for including me in this terrific new book. It is apparently the best selling watercolor book in China. It is aimed solely at the Chinese market, so I'm sorry to say there is no English version.
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second volume of Inspirations & Technical Breakthroughs, Secrets
from the Contemporary International Watercolor Masters, Vol. II in Chinese
language by Ruan Hoe and Zhou Tianya is published by Jilin Fine Arts
Press, China, in December 2013. Following the first volume, the second
volume features another nine outstanding contemporary American
watercolor masters: Mary Whyte, Susan Swinand, Dean Mitchell, Ted
Nuttall, George James, Joseph Alleman, Carl Purcell, Peggy Zalucha and
Nicholas Simmons. In the book they candidly discuss their inspirations,
generously share their creative processes and show-case their exemplary
work with Chinese readers.
& Technical Breakthroughs is the product of an international
collaboration. Editor Dr. Ruan Hoe, a Chinese-American watercolorist and
a principal researcher at UCLA, translated and edited the text. Second
editor Zhou Tianya, a well-known Chinese professional watercolor artist,
member of Chinese Artist Association, signature member of NWS and AWS,
curator of Shenzhen Watercolor Biennial 2013-14, originally fathered the
idea and designed the entire book. As the first of its kind, the first
volume was critically acclaimed in China and its first edition’s 4000
copies are almost sold out. The second volume (4000 copies) is currently
being distributed to all major Chinese bookstores and also available
online (paper back, 11.6”x 8.8”, 144 pages, ¥78.00RMB, approximately
$12.50USD). The third volume of this title with nine artists from the
United Kingdom is in the planning phase and scheduled due out in later