I taught a sold out workshop for the
Art League of Ocean City this week, a very nice group of painters with approximately 400 members. We had all levels of experience, including a stunning 18 year old girl who had never painted watercolor before. I'm determined to get more younger people into watercolor and this was a promising start! Thanks to the organizers for getting it all together, and I must say that even though ALOC is looking for a new, larger location, the present facility is one of the nicest I've seen.
A special thanks to Ann H. who made her spectacular beachside condo available to us (I brought Olga and Larissa) for not only the workshop, but insisted we stay on as long as we like. So we have, and waking up to this view every morning is a great way to start the day. Thank you Ann!
Ocean City can be a pretty wild place, and the famous boardwalk is a spectacle unto itself - the pier, the amusement park, and a cross-section of humanity that makes for entertaining people-watching. This weekend there is a
classic car convention going on, and there are over 3000 street rods from several neighboring states roaring up and down the strip. Luckily our condo is well removed from the hubbub, because the sound is deafening!

The Ocean City "Fine Art Center" on the Boardwalk!
If you can, head over to the island with the horses. That was the best part of the whole area, finding the wild horss...
Sandy - I've been to Assateague a couple of time and seen the wild ponies. We ought to head down there today so Larissa can see them, but the traffic is just out of control. Next time, I guess.
Sounds like you are enjoying the workshop experiences Nick! It must be especially good when you and the family can all be together!
I thought the famous 'boardwalk' was near Coney Island ...is this where Ocean city is?
Wow Nick! My wife spent about 5 years of her childhood with her family in Ocean City. She has very fond memories. She is a big Shriver's saltwater taffy fan. They are on the board walk. I got her a box of taffy along with a Shriver's stuffed mascot toy (made in China but of course!).
That's a familiar looking beach you have there Nick. Looks so isolated and quiet very much like the one beach we stay at often.
The Board Walk on the other hand is like nothing I've ever seen here.
So you're aiming for a younger demographic now?...just when you least expect it..LOL
Pleased to hear you had a good time with this one. That top pic is insane!
tell us more about the painting in ocpier2.jpg! wow - talk about your "barn burner"!!!
-- Joel.
Nicholas .. man on the move - molecules in motion. Nice post on Ocean City. What a cool venue. I suspected you might be on the road spreading the knowledge and lo and behold .. Ocean City. Sounds like you had another killah experience and a good crowd.. and if sold out then it was a crowd. Another notch on the 'ol pistola for you and the painting posted is a trip. The field of depth is amazing and I'm wondering if this was your demo at the workshop. Glad to see your dance card continues to be full and you're having fun my friend!
great blog and fine painting ! congratulation on the award (post bellow)
Sandy - yes there is a famous boardwalk at Coney Island and Atlantic City (New Jersey), but also at Ocean City (Maryland). Thank for being the first (and hopefully not last) Aussie or order my DVD! :)
David - whaddaya think I'm chewing on right now? Love that stuff.
DakO - plenty of young people into art, but very few into watercolor (with a few notable exceptions like Jenny D)..have you noticed? And whose fault is that? The Institution of Watercolor, naturally. Time for change....and yes we can! heheh
Joel - that's a photo! Looks like it would make a good painting though, huh. I got lots of good reference stuff over there, and all these comments about that shot are getting me interested in painting it. Just might get a wild hair and go for it, thanks for stopping by.
Bill - it was a good week - sold the demos and another painting I brought with me, and made some friends. And got to stay in that beach hideaway which was first class - $2100/wk rental and we had it for 10 days on the house! Too mahvelous for words.
Helene - thanks for the post, and nice to meet you...I'll be over to your blog shortly.
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