Xin Jin #2
Xin Jin #2 is a giclée print variation of original watercolor painting Xin Jin. Giclée prints are printed on 100% rag paper with archival ink. The image measures approx. 30" x 31" (original image 38" x 39" - black border not part of print).
$450.00 including shipping in the U.S. (inquire for overseas shipping).
Nick, this is very striking! I love it!
A fantastic watermedia work Nick and I love the interposition between abstraction and figuration and an in-between 2D-3D feel, imagining that eyeball-to-artwork up-close or at medium viewing distance is even more compelling in that way, ..enigmatic, of inscrutable meaning and expression.. And those 'interstitials', expansive, generous and free, conceptually and in the actual interplay of forms and what they stand for, ..art itself, identity qualified by interconnected meaning.. and for the celebration of forms and colors and the freeflowing spirit of watercolor .. it's making me write a comment that runs on like watercolor blooms! :P ..
Speaking of which.. I love those distinctive Nicholas Simmons 'water-tides, backflows against the shore's edge of forms' articulating shapes yet allowing the water to have its say in outcomes.. A brilliant work. I really love this one! cheers, wayne
...when i first saw this reminded me of an "icon painting" ..really beautiful nick
Christiane - thanks for stopping by!
Wayne - I wish I had 10% of the brain power of Wayne Roberts! You are a font of ideas, analysis, expression, the best friend an artist could have. Your post on Dake's blog really choked me up (his harrowing account set the stage), and your posts on Bill's work always amazes me. You're a giant Wayne, and I'm honored to know you....#1 on my travel list is to get to Oz!
Jane - glad you like it, I haven't seen anything quite like it in watercolor, more to come.
A fantastic job! really good, we all know how difficult it is to reach these levels, the apparent simplicity of a face instead reflects a range of complex interactions of nuances, that Nick is a tough job, I love to see you travel through this complex face! ! Nick beat
Nicholas - this painting invites one to step onto the scaffolding without the aid of a safety harness, to ride the wash and hang 10.. possibly 12, and if it were possible to surf on scaffolding - well I guess it's possible here. Your arrangement of the face and the background shapes is like a Zen garden raked in the optimal direction for optimal viewing delight.
Tank you for sharing
Juan - I have a split personality when it comes to painting: one is the vision/intent, the other is the actual result. For a long time they were jealous (often bitter) rivals, but I've learned each has its place, and it certainly makes the mysterious process of creation much more interesting.
Bill - man there you go again! Most of your work could fall under OSHA regulations, but I love how you're out there in flip-flops and no hardhat!
BNS - nice to meet you and t(h)anks for the visit! :D
So many eloquent comments here: and I'm not even going to go there with Wayne's expressive [and entirely wonderful] assessment: but just wanted to say how much I like this. I know it's entitled Xin Jin but I see Olga here [please don't get mad or throw stuff] but how amazing that a face essentially without features can have so much strength of character. And life. Great work Nick.
Nick , Hello !! Love this.You sure keep me"IN THERE"with this .
You are a Clever fellow.
Luv ,June
dear friend!
if time puts everyone on your site, do not be afraid of the reaction of other artists, perhaps their reactions are influenced by not being able to see others take that road, I tell you dear Nick .. . and I have fear of anything, this book is really interesting, because it looks into other ways of your personality is fantastic, and it is very interesting to explore thoroughly, Nick you're a great artist, one of my favorite artists, not only the quality of your work, which is extraordinary, perhaps because the same questions you do with your works
And refer to the viewer.
Un fuerte abrazo Nicholas!!!!!
Jean - sorry to be a bit behind in the blogworld. I've done a few others in this series, they probably all look like a different face! And yes, people like Wayne seem to see and think things others don't, but all opinions and comments are welcome, even the bad reviews!
June - have to keep evolving or the laws of watercolor natural selection will eat you alive!
Juan - (the 3rd "J") I'm very pleased if you are taken with this, and even post-Babelfish your sentiments come through loud and clear. :) Perhaps this piece is showing some signs of influence from the Lion of San Sebastian!
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