I'm truly excited and proud to announce my new partnership with Escoda, makers of the world's finest artist brush. This offer arrived like a bolt from the blue, and the honor of joining legends Charles Reid and Joseph Zbukvic as an Escoda artist is one of the best things that has happened to me. Soon I'll have a page on the new Escoda website and upcoming catalog, then to Barcelona to tour the factory and stage promotional events.
The biggest "muchas gracias" possible to Ricard Escoda, Tom Dix of Global Art Materials Inc., and Angela Barbi. Drinks are on me tonight!
Congratulations! I am not surprised! Make mine a glass of red!
Congratulations!!! Nick !!!
Uhuhuhuuuu . :D
Wonderful !!!
Amanda, Juan, and Olivia - thank you, or better - muchas gracias. (better "brush up" on my Spanish, ha ha) Escoda is the Ferrari of artist brushes, and I intend to get as many speeding tickets as possible!
Fantastico, dude!
Nieves - maybe I'll see you in Bilbao soon, hope so!
David - thanks comrade (don't tell Ken! ha)
Wow! Congratulations Nick!!! That's great news!
Sandeep - worse things have happened to me :) the brushes may be finding their way to your part of the world, stay tuned
Surprised no one has made the "Fist full of brushes" connection. Much better to see your face here than Clint's .. but it would make a great poster (Clint's). May those fine brushes always do your bidding Nick-
Great news and I'm happy for you (and your future paintings)!! :D
Bill - the offer did make my day, and I do feel lucky! -Punk
Helen - very much looking forward to Barcelona, incrediblyecity. thanks for stopping by :)
Love the portrait Nick. I've just recently decide to try watercolor again (with figures) so had to check you out. Glad to see you're still moving at such a pace!
Anonymous - thanks, whoever you are
OH Nick, Big Congrats !!
Love your haircut too .
I'll drink to all of it .
Thinking of you Always ,
Congratulations to ya, Nick...sure do miss you posting at WetCanvas but I'm always checking out your site. Love your painting "Xin Jin #3"--you make it look so easy!
btw...I have actually achieved signature status in the North East Watercolor Society--will be in their 2011 International Exhibition. So excited...you still are such an inspiration to me.
Michele (artdreamer1)
June - good to see you, thanks for the post. I'll be going to Barcelona in Nov. to tour the factory and finalize the signature series of brushes they'll be selling. Check out my page in their new catalog and the new website when it's up. We need to catch up one of these days!
Michele - I was banned from WetDiaper by the moderators a while back, and proud of it. :) I hope you're not posting there, it's become irrelevant anyway -- all online art action has moved to Facebook. Sounds like you're painting up a storm, glad to hear it!
Hi Nick,
Congratulations on the brush gig! I love Escodas too. Missed you yesterday at the NWS opening, Penny told me you're in Madrid..I am hoping we'll meet eventually.
over and out
Frank - thanks for stopping by...I go to Spain in a couple weeks, looking forward to seeing the Escoda factory and Barcelona. And Gaudi!
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