One my prized possessions, a Fender Stratocaster with about a million miles on it, has been sitting disassembled in a box for thirteen years. A new tailpiece, pickguard, wiring and electronics has brought her back to life, and I couldn't be more thrilled. A big thanks to Phil Jacoby of Philtone Guitars in Baltimore!

You must be thrilled! Enjoy!
Rock on, Nick!
Like putting on an old pair of shoes again. I was worried all that time might change the neck, but it still plays like a demon.
lovely ax, I envy you...what year is it, do you know?
Frank - nothing too special or valuable, a mid-80s Strat that was the best of many I tried. One where everything was perfect, right off the rack. It then got the you-know-what played out of it for a solid fifteen years. Went through three tailpieces, this new Ibanez one is much better. Steve Morse DiMarzio in the lead position, I scalloped the fingerboard from the 17th fret. Stripped three paint jobs. It's now ready to burn again!
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